What is Cloud Computing? Everything You Need to Know


Cloud computing is a technique in which you save your data on the Internet, and then you can access it from your computer, laptop, mobile, tablet from any device, from anywhere anytime. The Internet should be available in the device from which you want to use your saved file. If I tell you in simple words, just like you save a file on your computer and you can access it later, in the same way, we save any of our files on the internet server and can access it anytime. The only difference is that to save the file on the computer, you need storage and you cannot access that file in your mobile or any other device, while through Cloud Computing you can save the file on the internet and save other you can also access the device and you do not even need storage.

How does cloud computing work?

Many companies provide service for cloud computing. But the working structure of all companies is the same, which can be divided into two parts.

Front End – The front end has all the things that the customer can see, and can handle.

Back End – There are things in the back end that customers don’t see, like Servers, company offices, software and website developers, the whole team that keeps your data safe and maintained. For example, if you run Facebook, then like, share, upload, status, comment are visible to you, but you do not see how many employees work to maintain Facebook behind it. This is called Back end.

Types of Cloud Computing

Now you know how cloud computing works, so now you know about the three types of cloud computing.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

It provides access to service on demand IT infrastructure. This includes storage, network, and computers that run your workload. As a business user you can request for IT services, and only pay for the services you are using.

Platform as a service (PaaS)

Platform as a service (PaaS) This is a cloud base environment that you use to develop, test, run and manage your application. This service includes web server, Dev Tools, execution runtime and online database. Its approach is to provide a development environment according to your needs, without the zeal in purchasing, building or managing basic infrastructure. As a result, you can work fast and release the application quickly.

For example, you have developed your own e-commerce website, but shopping carts, checkouts and payment mechanisms are all running on merchant’s servers.

Software as a service (SaaS)

SaaS is the most common form used by small businesses, and includes the use of software hosted on remote servers. It runs the application through your web browser and saves, retrieves or shares store files outside your business.

Web-based email, office software, online games, customer relationship management systems and communication tools are all examples of SaaS.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

  • Data online store from 5 GB to 25 GB can be done here.
  • The files can be accessed at the same time in mobile, computer, laptop, tablet.
  • Files can be shared in many places at the same time.
  • There is online and offline backup of all files.
  • In case of computer failure, files in any new computer can be easily backed up.
  • You can take advantage of this facility for free.
  • No additional hardware is required.
  • Files can be worked by opening at any place.
  • Files can also be edited online.
  • It is very easy to use, it looks like a Computer / File Explorer.
  • Your document can be used while traveling anywhere.
  • The biggest advantage here is that any size file can be shared online, there is no file size limit, as you would know that the file attachment is not valid more than 10 MB while emailing. But in this you can share any size file online.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

When you are giving your file to another company, they definitely have complete control that they can see your data and delete it. However this does not happen because the companies also have some term & condition which according to the rules the company has to follow. Like Facebook, Instagram can do anything with your photo and can misuse your profile but it does not because the company also runs according to the rules. But even if there is too much need, then the company has full access.

Like I already told that on this you save your data on the Internet server, and if you do not have Internet connectivity, then you cannot access your file, so it is important to have Internet.

Cloud computing controls the user. Not only do you decide how much you will pay to use this service, but with this you can decide which information you can store and where you can access it.

Are there any Fees for Cloud Computing?

By the way, all companies provide you 1 to 5 GB for free, but if you want to use more than that, then for that you will have to pay fees to the company. The rate of companies can vary.

So guys, hope you know what cloud computing is. If there are any questions, then you can ask us.
